Superstar Anime is a family friendly event and we want everyone attending to have a good time. For your safety and security, as well as others, we have placed the following guidelines.
Superstar Anime has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying or harassment of any kind. Please treat everyone as you would want to be treated.
Wristbands must be worn at all times to attend Superstar Anime. Badges are collectible momentos but your wristband is what gains you access to the event.
Lost or Damaged wristbands will not be replaced and are subject to a replacement fee to regain entry.
Lost items will be brought to the Help Desk for attendees to recover. Any items not claimed by the end of the event will be turned over to the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Superstar Anime can not guarantee that any lost item will be recovered.
Smoking is not permitted inside any buildings, this includes e-cigarettes and vaping. Offensive or revealing attire is not permitted. No costume is no costume. Please refer to the Dress Code policies listed below.
Personal Sound devices must be kept at a low volume at all times, especially near panel and event rooms. If Superstar Anime volunteer staff or venue staff asks an individual to turn down the volume of a device, the individual must comply immediately.
Wheelchairs are available through the VBCC on a first come first served basis. If you have mobility issues please call the convention ahead of the event to reserve. We can not guarantee a reservation.
Pets are not allowed in any event space in the VBCC or with the exception of service animals. Emotional Support/Companion animals are not permitted in indoor event spaces at the VBCC.
Posting of Announcements or Fliers is prohibited at Superstar Anime with the exception of groups in the Fan/Organization Tables area (and only then in the prescribed area). Those found distributing literature, flyers, handouts, etc. without permission will be asked to leave the premises.
Sleeping in event rooms/space is never permitted.
Illegal substances are never permitted at Superstar Anime events. The sale and distribution of illegal or controlled substances will result in reporting to the on-site local authorities, APD, etc. In the city of Atlanta, open containers of alcohol are also prohibited outdoors. Anyone knowingly or unknowingly providing alcohol or aiding others in providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 will be turned over immediately to the APD and local authorities.
The minimum for coverage is bikini top and shorts for women, shorts and shirt for men. If you are a man whose costume involves being shirtless, or a woman in a bikini-style costume without full rear end coverage, please bring a shirt or jacket to wear around when not taking photos (taking this off while taking photos is a-ok!). Overly offensive shirts/apparel are not permitted. You’ll be asked to change, turn the shirt inside out, or leave. This includes offensive group paraphernalia (Nazi, KKK, etc.), and anything that would be considered offensive to the general populous, at Superstar Anime’s discretion. NO EXCEPTIONS FOR COSTUMES.