Superstar Anime welcomes all attendees, but Superstar Anime management reserves the right to deny or revoke membership for any individual, at any time, for any reason. This may be in response to significant issues with policies detailed on this page, disruptive behavior, or other factors that interfere with the enjoyment of everyone. Superstar Anime also reserves the right to amend or alter these rules at any time without prior notice should a situation necessitate this. Attendees of Superstar Anime attend at their own risk. Superstar Anime takes no responsibility for any damages incurred to property or person of guests, artists, dealers, or attendees.
Those who chose to purchase a membership, any individual who receives a badge or entry to Superstar Anime agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Superstar Anime from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual’s activities at Superstar Anime. Members, vendors, guests, and others with badges for admission to the event will be required to provide proof of membership (via badge display for the corresponding day of attendance) to be admitted to the event.
Member badges are the property of Superstar Anime through the duration of the event and must be presented and/or surrendered to any Volunteer Safety, APD, or venue security requesting it. Should this be refused, proper authorities will escort the individual out of the venue. If you have issues with any volunteer or hired security, please report the incident to Information Desks or the Safety Office depending on the severity and situation. We take feedback about volunteers, our hired partners, and others involved with Superstar Anime extremely seriously and will address all issues as soon as possible. The most important thing you can do is report all issues promptly so they can be addressed and avoided in the future.
accepts no liability for actions of any kind taken by individuals in the confines of private hotel rooms or in non-convention spaces. Responsibility for incidents occurring in hotel guest rooms rests solely upon the individual in whose name the room is rented. This includes payment for any damages, any illegal activities, charges to the room, etc.
All applicable local, state, and federal laws apply in all parts of Superstar Anime and must be followed.