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These policies apply to all members, whether they pre-register or register at the door.

  1. All members agree to comply with Superstar Anime rules and policies, the directions of Superstar Anime, Virginia Beach Convention Center Authority, and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.
  2. An attendee may have his or her membership revoked and be expelled from the premises for any reason at the sole discretion of Superstar Anime staff. No refund will be given in the event of such an expulsion.
  3. Members agree to allow photographs and/or video of their likeness to be taken and used by Superstar Anime for promotional purposes.
  4. Members agree to provide complete and accurate registration information. Superstar Anime is not responsible if a member cannot be contacted with the information provided during registration.
  5. Members under the age of 18 (at the start of the convention) must provide an emergency contact phone number when registering.
  6. Convention memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Memberships/badges may not be resold. Superstar Anime staff reserve the right to check the ID of anyone suspected of carrying a badge that is not their own.
  7. Membership badges are only available for pickup at the convention during listed Registration Hours. Badges will not be mailed. No attendee badges of any sort will be issued outside of these hours.
  8. A valid photo ID is required for pre-registration badge pickup. Minors without a photo ID may pick up their badges when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with a valid photo ID. Any type of photo ID may be used for badge pickup; however, a government-issued ID is required for 18+ events.
  9. A valid photo ID is required for all at-con membership purchases made with a credit card.
  10. Members purchasing badges at the door may only purchase one badge per person.
  11. Each pre-registered member must pick up their own badge. Group leaders are not allowed to pick up badges for other members of their party.
  12. Child members (ages 6-12 at the start of the convention) must be registered at the same time as a paying adult (18+) member, who must accompany them at the time of badge pickup.
  13. Child under 6 members (ages 0-5 at the start of the convention) must be registered at the same time as a paying adult (18+) member, who must accompany them at all times within the convention space.
  14. Badges must be worn and visible at all times. Each attendee must retain possession of his or her own badge for the duration of the convention and may not loan or give the badge to anyone else except as directed by Superstar Anime staff.
  15. No replacement will be provided for lost badges; a new membership must be purchased at the full at-con rate. Damaged badges may be replaced at the discretion of the Director of Registration and must be surrendered at the time of the request.
  16. Superstar Anime reserves the right to censor or refuse badge names that may be considered obscene, vulgar, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate. Such determination will be made at the sole discretion of Superstar Anime staff.
  17. Any person found attempting to forge a membership badge or presenting a forged ID will be removed from the convention and may be banned from future Superstar Anime and additional events.
  18. Any attempt to compromise the security of the registration process or gain unauthorized access to attendee data will result in loss of access to the online registration system, loss of Superstar Animemembership without refund, and possible legal action. These policies may be modified at any time deemed necessary by Superstar Anime.
  19. Registrations are non-refundable, non-replaceable, and non-transferable. See our Registration Policies for details. Pre-registrants will receive their badges at the convention. Bring a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, school ID, etc.) to the convention when you pick up your badge. Hotel accommodations are not included with registration – contact the hotel directly to reserve a room.


Registrations are non-refundable, non-replaceable, and non-transferable.  Pre-registrants will receive their badges at the convention. Bring a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, school ID, etc.) to the convention when you pick up your badge. Hotel accommodations are not included with registration.


Superstar Anime welcomes all attendees, but Superstar Anime management reserves the right to deny or revoke membership for any individual, at any time, for any reason.  This may be in response to significant issues with policies detailed on this page, disruptive behavior, or other factors that interfere with the enjoyment of everyone. Superstar Anime also reserves the right to amend or alter these rules at any time without prior notice should a situation necessitate this.  Attendees of Superstar Anime attend at their own risk. Superstar Anime takes no responsibility for any damages incurred to property or person of guests, artists, dealers, or attendees.

Those who chose to purchase a membership, any individual who receives a badge or entry to Superstar Anime agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Superstar Anime from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual’s activities at Superstar Anime.  Members, vendors, guests, and others with badges for admission to the event will be required to provide proof of membership (via badge display for the corresponding day of attendance) to be admitted to the event.

Member badges are the property of Superstar Anime through the duration of the event and must be presented and/or surrendered to any Volunteer Safety, APD, or venue security requesting it.  Should this be refused, proper authorities will escort the individual out of the venue.  If you have issues with any volunteer or hired security, please report the incident to Information Desks or the Safety Office depending on the severity and situation.  We take feedback about volunteers, our hired partners, and others involved with Superstar Anime extremely seriously and will address all issues as soon as possible. The most important thing you can do is report all issues promptly so they can be addressed and avoided in the future.

accepts no liability for actions of any kind taken by individuals in the confines of private hotel rooms or in non-convention spaces.  Responsibility for incidents occurring in hotel guest rooms rests solely upon the individual in whose name the room is rented. This includes payment for any damages, any illegal activities, charges to the room, etc.

All applicable local, state, and federal laws apply in all parts of Superstar Anime and must be followed.


At Superstar Anime, we pride ourselves on being an all-ages convention. We encourage all guests to bring their kids or young friends without having to worry about adult programming or material in the Dealers’ Room.  Programming with stronger language is marked by a diamond and ‘language advisory’ in the program book and app. Superstar Anime cannot accommodate, predict, or take responsibility for the language and behavior of other members, nor will Superstar Anime take responsibility for any minors at the event.

However, the convention space will become very crowded and it is recommended that an adult accompany all minors at all times. There is no convention-wide public announcement system, so please keep an eye on children! If you should have a problem with a lost child, please contact any security member or the Information Desk and the volunteer staff will help in any way they can.

When registering for membership on site or picking up a membership badge after pre-purchasing online, members under 16 will require a responsible party 18 or older to sign to pick up a badge.  Members 16 and older will require photo ID to pick up a badge.


By attending a Superstar Anime , you are entering an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur.

By agreeing to these terms in purchasing a membership or attending an event, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by Superstar Anime and its representatives. You release Superstar Anime, its employees and volunteers, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or audio recordings, and you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use of these materials. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by Superstar Anime or the person or entity designated to do so by Superstar Anime.

Photography is allowed and encouraged at the convention! However, if someone does not wish their picture to be taken, refrain from photographing them. Also, if you need to take a picture, be quick about it and do not block hallways or entrances. There will be an opportunities all weekend for anyone to have their picture taken by our convention photographer(s), so don’t worry about catching everyone’s picture!

Photographers are asked to not set up any lighting structures or backdrops that are not immediately portable. Photographers may be asked to move these structures due to traffic flow at any time.

Please refrain from using photographic devices or videography in any showing room or main movie presentation. You are welcome to take many pictures during events such as the costume contest!